Awake and Grateful (November 2024 Newsletter)

In a conversation, an acquaintance, retired from work, said they were in a place of suspended animation where they did not know whether to sink or swim. It must be a very frightening place to be where one doesn’t know whether to sink or to swim or whether, in fact, they are sinking or swimming.  

It is nature's way to allow everything to move at a pace that is comfortable -  neither rushing along, nor dallying but maintaining a steady rhythm from day to day. The seasonal changes in nature are at an easy, comfortable pace. One cannot hurry nature nor stop it in its tracks.

This natural state helps all beings develop just like everything around us is growing. It recognizes the season of growth, that of ripeness and then a season of slowly moving into a restful phase of dormancy. 

There is no struggle to change anything.

The important thing is to recognize and fall in step with what happens in our environment and within each of us.

We must be or become active participants in our own lives, whatever stage we are in. At the same time, be present to the simple pleasures of life, be in constant gratitude, because really we have plenty and more than enough for this moment. Float along with joy.

 Happy Thanksgiving.




  • Sunday, November 3: Daylight Saving Time ends - a chance to sleep in!

  • Tuesday, November 5: Election Day - virtual classes only

  • Saturday, November 16, 1:30 PM: Yoga Nidra Workshop

  • Thursday, November 28, 11 AM: Free Thanksgiving Day Yoga; all other classes cancelled

  • Friday, November 29: Studio closed for Black Friday


JOY! (December 2024)


Intentionally Simple (October 2024 Newsletter)