Yoga For Your Needs, To Your Benefit
Classes at YWB are not only about the physical workout. A committed yoga practice at YWB will create a healthy and spiritual balance. Each class is different, being designed by each instructor's own unique experiences, training, and personality. We invite you to be open to the possibilities of your practice, and to the balance it brings to your entire being. At Yoga-Well-Being, we practice the intention of yoga by treating everyone with love, respect, and compassion.
Students of all ages are welcome including children, as long as they are not disruptive.
Class Descriptions
At Yoga-Well-Being, we are proud to offer a wide variety of classes from experienced instructors. If there’s something you’re looking for specifically, let us know!
Taught by Isabelle
This class will have its foundations in Hatha Yoga, and will include a blend of standing/seated asanas, emphasis on the breath, meditation, and mindfulness. Held in the evening, this class will provide an opportunity to process one’s emotions from the day through mild to moderately challenging movement and breath, and will end with a slow unwinding to help relax the body, mind, and spirit. You can expect each class to be woven through with the thread of nature, intuition, and curiosity.
Taught by sipra, many times throughout the week
This flagship class is based in the Hatha tradition and the moves are challenging yet simple and accessible to all. Class is open to all new and veteran yoga students, ages 12 to 112. Each class attempts to satisfy the physical and emotional requests of participants, so each class is different. Traditionally yoga was not about a physical workout, nor its physical benefits. While a regular practice strengthens the immune system, prevents disease and corrects many physical and mental health problems while shaping and toning the body, a committed practice actually transforms one in a much deeper way. Learn proper breathing and meditation. Classes are held in a warmed room.
Taught by Veda, Sundays 5:00-6:16 PM and Wednesday 9:30-10:45 AM
What happens in a Yin Yoga class? The purposes of Yin Yoga are to lengthen and align the connective tissues of the body (ligaments, tendons, fascia), and to put a proper stress on the joints. In my classes, you will begin by opening the upper body, and then progress to traditional Yin Yoga poses. These poses are mostly for the lower half of the body, and most are done on the floor. Poses are held for 3-5 minutes (sometimes more!). The use of props is encouraged. In Yin Yoga, everyone’s version of a pose looks a little different than everyone else’s. This is because Yin is more about the sensations from the pose than the appearance of the pose. Each class has a theme. Some days we’ll explore the meridians, or energy lines of the body, some days the chakras, the energy wheels that run up our spines, another time we may delve into yoga philosophy. We always have serious fun, too! Yin Yoga is a great complement to more Yang (vigorous) forms of exercise.
Taught by Kris, Mondays 6:00-7:15 PM
A moderate level class focusing on alignment, holding of postures, and strengthening. Detailed instruction will work toward incorporating breath into yoga postures and finding your edge. More challenging postures and our response to them will be explored.
Taught by Veda, Tuesdays 6:00-7:15 PM
What is Restorative Yoga? Restorative Yoga is a style of yoga devoted to deep rest and relaxation. Stretching and opening may occur, but these benefits are secondary to creating mindfulness and encouraging healing. In an hour long class, you’ll only do 4-5 poses and each is held for a longer period of time. Each pose is supported by any and every prop; whatever helps you to let go completely and find peace. Please join us. It is a great way to balance your more vigorous yoga practices and also our rather hectic modern lives!
Taught by Vandana, First and Third Mondays, 7:30-8:00 PM
Learn simple self-care tools from Ayurveda expert Vaidya Vandana Baranwal in these short online sessions.
Taught by Kris, Fridays 9:30-10:45 AM
Join us Friday morning to explore the breath through different pranayama practices as we travel slowly into Yin poses.
Yin Yoga is a slower-paced, more meditative version of the popular physical and spiritual discipline of yoga. In Yin yoga, the poses are held for a long period of time.
Taught by SadaNam, Thursdays 7:30-8:45 PM
Kundalini yoga is a self-realization practice as taught by Yogi Bhajan, this class helps detoxify our bodies and build the energetic centers of the body (chakras). This yoga involves periods of exertion designed to strengthen the body, mind, and willpower, balanced with relaxation and meditation accompanied by spiritual music. All levels welcome.
Taught by SadaNam, Tuesdays 7:30-8:45 PM
This class will guide you into an experience of deep, blissful healing for the entire mind/body system through gentle stretches, therapeutic movements and self-massage techniques as well as stress-relieving breathing and meditations.
Using Yin and Restorative Yoga techniques, this class also incorporates aspects of Yoga Therapy, Qi Gong, Kundalini, and sound healing.
In addition to 13 years of training in a variety of yoga styles, SadaNam has even more experience playing musical instruments. Complete the class by sinking into sound healing vibrations from the gong, guitar, flute, chimes, voice and more!
Taught by sipra, on weekends during warmer months
Yoga in the Park is an adult class for all students who want a somewhat challenging stretch and workout. Reduce tension, learn to relax, and learn new breathing techniques for energy and to correct respiratory weaknesses. You will notice how energized and strong you feel afterward. Classes are specifically tailored to individuals at each class; therefore, no class is the same. All levels are welcome. Not recommended for pregnant women. Class usually meets at the Gazebo in Whetstone Park of Roses, 3901 N High St, Columbus, OH 43214 while weather permits.