Home (October 2022 Newsletter)

Home is that undefinable place where one feels complete. Large or small, luxurious or minimal, it is where one finds rest and comfort. It is where we can drop all pretenses. This is the nature of consciousness. The mind can let go and get to a state in meditation where all thoughts simply dissolve, like into a quicksand, and one meets up with that timeless, shapeless, formless seed out of which all thoughts and experiences arise. If it is so simple, how is it that our entire lives are spent chasing a dream that is rarely realized in anyone’s lifetime?

We are born complete. The invisible and indivisible primordial matter of which we are constructed needs nothing more. Anything and everything is derived from this. Simply by living constantly in a state of awareness of this moment keeps us home feeling happy and safe. That primordial seed, that home, is one we all share. To acknowledge that completeness, (Sa Aham - I am That) is to be HOME. It is to BE.




Free to Be You and Me (November 2022 Newsletter)


Meditation: You Need No One and Nothing (September 2022 Newsletter)