Re: the Prefix RE (July 2024 Newsletter)
Photo Credit: Tai Pimputkar
In summer, can we forget the stresses that are unique to winter and springtime? In terms of snow, ice and cold, yes indeed! But each season has its own way to make us feel uncertain, and sometimes fearful. Weather or otherwise, when we are fearful, we fall into a pattern of fight or flight behavior which adds to the stress and makes us act irrationally in a way we would not, had we been calm and relaxed.
I often suggest you build a rhythm to your day that keeps you stress-free no matter what. Be your own light, says a shloka or saying in Yoga. Atma deepaha bhabha. ॥ आत्म दीपो भव:॥
How do we do this? Another shloka from Gautama Buddhahas the answer:॥ मौनं सर्वार्थ साधनम् ॥ Fix all your problems with silence.
In practical terms, find some appropriate words beginning with the prefix ‘re’. Some good examples would be
Recap, Restore, Rebuild. Then repeat these three thoughts with Recall. Each time you think through a thought in this order, when recalling you will find that the content changes as you cycle through the repetitive thoughts going through your mind. As always, I suggest you use no apps and no devices to help you create the silence. It takes patience and practice. You will love the resulting ability to slide into a space that is weather free, people free and thought free.