Well-Being: Hairy Stuff (November 2017 Newsletter)
Our hair is affected by fall and winter weather, as it turns cold and dry. This causes it both to turn brittle and break easily, or fall out. Just as we nourish our skin with richer, oilier emollients through winter, we need to give hair some TLC as well. It is best to wash it less than we do in summer, and keep it well conditioned and moisturized. Between shampoos simply use a conditioner on your hair - a simple coconut oil conditioner is the best for your hair. Just moisten hair and rub a dime to nickel size amount into the scalp. Leave on a few minutes and wash off. If you have a half hour to spare, try rubbing in a cupful of coconut milk letting it penetrate for 30 minutes and then shampoo as usual. Use a light spray of nourishing Moroccan Argan oil to prevent frizzy hair and to keep it supple before drying as usual, using medium setting on your hair dryer.
For distressed hair, nails and skin try 500 mg of black current oil or evening primrose oil twice a day. They both work but it takes almost two months to see results. The benefit comes from an unusual fatty acid they contain known as GLA (Gamma Linolenic Acid) that the body has to get through the diet. There are no long term adverse effects to the use of either of these oils and they also help with inflammatory problems such as arthritis and many kinds of auto-immune diseases.
Diet has a lot to do with how the hair behaves and looks. Keep your diet balanced and eat well and on a regular schedule. It will help to eat a little more fat now than you do in summer in the form of nuts, and good unsaturated oils. Especially rich in good Omega Fatty Acids for vegetarians is ground flax seed added to any of your dishes. In moderation add some cheese and butter, yogurt and milk that is not fat free. If you eat eggs and fish, it's a good thing for your hair. If you don't, all kinds of fresh vegetables, greens, nuts and beans will provide the essential vitamins and proteins you need to have well moisturized, beautiful, soft and silky hair, skin and nails throughout the year.