You are August! Speak up, Be Heard, VOTE (August 2020 Newsletter)


The YWB (Yoga-Well-Being) community is about the best life. It is about morality, ethics, and living each day so that each successive day is better than the day before in all respects. It is about caring, about love and sharing, about empathy and compassion. It is about being free to develop your fully rounded personality. It is about living soulfully where truth is paramount. ‘Satya' or truth is the only thing that is real. Truth is always true.

There is just one truth, and while I may interpret it any way I like, it remains true because it is the truth. In Chapter 17.23 of the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna explains that Om (the primal sound) denotes Brahman, Tat (that) also refers to Brahman, and Sat (that which is true) is also the same Brahman. In other words they are all synonyms for Brahman, the Absolute Truth. ‘Om Tat Sat’ is a mantra often used at the start and end of Hindu ceremonies and rituals.

While YWB never makes any political comments, this is one time we make an exception. We are inviting you to use your right to speak up and be heard so that all our lives can prosper in peace and freedom starting on January 20, 2021. 

Register now and vote in the general elections. It is vital that we do so if we would like our lives to be free. All our lives, bar none! Speak to and help others register and vote.

The deadline for registering to vote or updating your address is October 5, 2020. Make sure your information is on file and up to date.

You can vote in person or absentee. To vote absentee, you'll need an absentee ballot application form. You can get one here and print it out or pick them up from your county's board of elections.

When you receive your absentee ballot, you may return it by mail. (Remember to use sufficient postage and mail it as early as possible.) However, to avoid any postal service delays or mishaps, the best way to guarantee its delivery is to complete it and drop it off at your county board of elections. In Franklin County, that is at 1700 Morse Rd. There is a secure silver colored 'ballot' box outside the Board of Elections building. It is under 24 hour surveillance. Given the challenges faced by the postal system in these times, dropping off your ballot is highly recommended.

YWB can procure some forms. If you would like to pick them up at the studio please let us know.

Let truth prevail! Let freedom expand and not diminish. Truth has been tampered with and freedoms already affected. Neither may be safe if you don’t speak up. It may be yours and my last chance to have a real voice in our freedoms and in our government.




Let It Be (September 2020 Newsletter)


Up and Up (July 2020 Newsletter)