Sutra 1.49
Photo credit: By TorbjørnS, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons.
श्रुतानुमानप्रज्ञाभ्यामन्यविषया विशेषार्थत्वात्॥४९॥
shruta-anumaana-prajjaabhyaam-anya-vishayaa vishesha-arthatvaat॥49॥
Swami Vivekananda translates, ‘The knowledge that is gained from testimony and inference is about common objects. That from the Samadhi just mentioned is of a much higher order, being able to penetrate where inference and testimony cannot go.’
What we call knowledge is based on language and concepts, often limited and incorrect. Once we have experienced this total absorption we see that what we considered to be true isn’t really the TRUE nature of things. The considerations that were so essential to our thinking and Being aren’t really relevant anymore, and our stresses and anxieties become irrelevant and drop away. At this point one can begin to observe that the Observer and the Observed are the same. (Sutra 1.3)